Welcome to the Crane City Clerk's Web Page

The City Clerk is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City government, overseeing the preservation and accessibility of public records, providing notice of all Board of Aldermen proceedings and recording actions taken by the Board, conducting fair and open municipal elections, and administering the City’s Boards.  The City Clerk also serves as the filing officer for the City.  The current City Clerk, Beth Murphy, was appointed in May of 2008.

The only officially published version of the Crane Code of Ordinances is located in the City Clerk’s Office.  Please note, the online versions may differ from the official version and should be relied upon for general information purposes only.

Those ordinances, resolutions and policy resolutions considered by Board of Aldermen from 2013 to now may be viewed online.  If you are looking for supporting documentation associated with an ordinance, resolution or policy resolution or for legislation prior to 2013, contact the City Clerk’s Office.